Alexia's note for today:

Alexia says:

Whoo Hoo Cowboys in Texas! not the football cowboys, the real ones

Sunday, December 28, 2008


Alexia had a fun Christmas. Thank you to everyone who gave her gifts. Here are some of the pictures:

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Seeing Santa

We decided to venture out to the mall yesterday to see Santa and I am sorry we did. Now don't jump to conclusions, it was not the crowd, it was not the parking lot, it was not the cold, snowy weather, nor was it the idea of waiting in a long line to see Santa that made me sorry. It was Santa himself. (Well the "helper Santa" at the mall) Take a look at our picture this year and you may see what I mean.

That's right folks, I think Santa is Under the Influence. Alexia was scared of Santa this year, which is a first for our outgoing, outspoken little angel. When she got off his lap and came over to tell me she was scared, I took her back over to Santa and he smelled that nauseating smell of alcohol. The young lady who was taking the photo was not having trouble getting kids to look at the camera, no it was Santa that she kept having to remind to look up at the camera. And did this "sweet" Santa ask the little kids what they wanted for Christmas, no he could barely form a sentence.

As we got our picture and left Santa Alexia was left wondering why was this a "messed up Santa". And why would the real Santa let him help.

So as a parent I am left to wonder, what do I tell my daughter about this "messed up Santa" as she referred to him yesterday? I reminded her what we tell her every year, this is just one of Santa's helpers because the real Santa is getting ready to bring presents. That only leaves Alexia to wonder why Santa would let a "messed up Santa" help. So as we quickly approach the last of the magical years before Alexia figures it all out, we are left to explain things that should not have to be explained to kids. Why are Santa's helpers grumpy people (because it was not just Santa that was unfriendly yesterday) who don't even ask you what you want?

And now I will get off my soapbox and wish you all a Merry Christmas. We hope the real Santa visits you this year.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Birthday Party

Rock and Roll! (If you can call Hannah Montana that) Food, Friends, and Fun. Alexia's birthday party was a fun time. Thank you to all her friends that came and family that helped. Grandpa Anthony and Grandma Shirley helped with the party and I can't thank them enough. Those kids would have eaten me alive if I had been by myself (Just Kidding). Here are the pictures:
And here is mommy by the end of the day:

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Today is the Last Day I Am 6!

Alexia woke up this morning and ran into our bedroom yelling "Today is the last that that I will ever have to be 6!" I find that to be the cutest comment ever.
Sorry that I have not posted for a while, but here is the quick updates:
Halloween was fun. Alexia was a skunk and we are still trying to get rid of candy.

Brian got the Leader of the Quarter Award at work in November.

Alexia got a Gold Medal for being kind at School.

Alexia gave a short (3 sentence) talk in the Primary Program and did a great job for her first time talking in front of that many people.

We put up our Christmas tree.

We have most of our Christmas shopping done. Just daddy is left and Alexia is trying to figure out what she wants to get him.

Grandpa and Grandpa Watson got here today. We are very excited to see them.
And we took this cute picture for Christmas...

We will let you know how the Big Hannah Montana Birthday Bash goes on Friday. We can't wait!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Trunk or Treating

Our ward had its annual trunk or treating event last Friday and we had a blast. Alexia invited her friend Ava and they had so much fun playing and tick or treating from car to car. She got a lot of candy (or CLEANED UP in her words) and I suggested that we don't go out on Halloween, as we have plenty of candy that we don't need to be eating. Alexia had a meltdown at the suggestion. She has had a lot of meltdowns lately, even telling me that she does not want to be Alexia anymore.

I remember a time when trunk or treating was enough and wish for those days back. At least Halloween is on a Friday this year! They have a school parade and we will take lots of pictures so that everyone can see our little skunk! Happy Halloween! Alexia says BOO!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Pumpkins and Pictures

Today we carved a pumpkin. Alexia did most of it by herself while mommy and daddy watched. She did a great job and it turned out so cute. I am amazed that last year she would not even help because it was "too gross" but this year she did nit want any help. Miss Independent. (I say she is growing up too fast)

She thought that it was slimy and "SO COOL" and "TOTALLY AWESOME". Her favorite part was taking out the pumpkin guts. She also liked using a sharp knife.

You can see the end result was BEAUTIFUL.

We also had pictures taken earlier today, which was an adventure. Alexia decided that she wanted her hair curled, so we spent an hour curling her hair while she jumped every ten seconds telling me not to burn her (which I have never done). Lets just say we will not be curling her hair again for a while.

We left for the pictures thinking that we would get there about ten minutes early, only to get there and find out that they were 45 minutes behind. Lets just say the out appointment was at noon and we were finally done at 1:55. In 6 year old land, that wait is "like forever" so she was not the happiest kid during the pictures. We did manage to make her smile long enough to get some cute pictures, so hopefully they will come back as cute as they looked on the computer. We finally got done and by the time we got home both Alexia and mommy needed a nap while daddy watched football.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Update from our Trip

Many have wondered how our trip to Utah went. I was was wonderful.

We went to the Circus and Alexia, Craig and Callie had a good time, but we all agree the elephants should come sooner so that kids we can't sit for 2 hours can leave.

We also went to the Zoo.

We had a good time. The rest of my pictures are on CD and I can't get to them right now so I will post more latter.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

We Made it to Utah

We have made it to Utah and Alexia says she has hugged "like 100 million people". Jeanne's mission farewell was today, so we saw all the family and friends in one shot. Jeanne gave a wonderful talk and we are excited to help take her to the MTC (Missionary Training Center) on Wednesday.
I will try to continue to keep pictures updated. I forgot my cord, so I have to wait to see if moms fit to upload my photos.

Monday, September 15, 2008

The Countdown Is On

Alexia wakes up every morning and tells me how many days until we go to Grandpa and Grandma Keys' house. She has plans...
#1- Show Jared that she can beat him at Bloom Blox
#2- Have a girls slumber party with Jasmine
#3- Pinch Jordan (I don't know why we have to pinch Jordan, but apparently we do)
#4- Teach Craig all about Kindergarten (sorry Jessi and Rob- you probably don't want any of her kindergarten reenactments, but she will show Craig how to be naughty anyway since she is the older cousin)
#5- Hold Baby Ben (and ask mommy yet again why she can't have a baby- yeah!)
#6- Teach Callie and Kaitlyn how to put on makeup- she is bringing her makeup (another thing I am sure the aunts and uncles don't want their kids to know)
... and many more "secret things that mommy can't know about." Let me just apologise to the whole family in advance. You are all in for some real shockers this coming week!

As for Brian, I am sure he will have a quiet, peaceful week without us around. Lucky Guy!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Bad Mom

Alexia is not very happy that fall is here. I was taking her to school the other day and this is what our conversation sounded like:

Alexia "I don't like when you take me to school when its barely morning."
Me "Why is that?"
Alexia "I don't like that you get off work when it's dark sometimes."
Me- "I don't get off work when it's dark."
Alexia- "But last year, when I was just a kindergartner, you sometimes picked me up when it was darker outside. You know when it got cold and snowed, that part of last year."
Me- "That is because the season changes and there is not as much light during the day. I am at work and you are at school the same amount of time as you are now."
Alexia- "Please mom. Picking your kid up when it is darker is just being a bad mom. I already know that."
Me- "How do you know that?"
Alexia- "Because you just don't want me to tell dad your a bad mom. Soon you will pick me up when its almost night time. I am going to tell dad and he will spank your butt with a shoe!"

Kids growing up. Isn't it fun (and very depressing sometimes).

Friday, September 5, 2008

I Wish My Life Was More Entertaining.....

As I have realized that I have not posted in a while, I have also realized that it is because there is nothing really entertaining going on in our lives. In other words, I have no life.

Alexia loves being back in school. She really likes her new teacher. She seems to excel at math, already adding and subtracting and solving story problems, but she is struggling with reading this year. She does not seem interested in reading and as someone who loves to read I get really frustrated with her attitude about reading. She even told me the other day that she does not need to learn to read well because soon robots will be able to read everything to her. She may be right, but Brian told her she has to keep reading until that robot is created.

Alexia is also excited about going to Salt Lake in a couple weeks. Craig is in kindergarten so they can share stories. She has also decided that all of her cousins are going to play games with her. I don't think she realizes that they will be in day care and preschool most days. We will find things to do, I want to take her to see temple square, so I am hoping that someone will take us downtown and drop us off one of the days that we are there. I think it would be a good experience for Alexia to visit the temple grounds and the visitors center.

We will try to get a life so that we have funner updates in the future!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Back to School

Alexia started first grade today. Her teacher is Miss. Kelzenberg or Miss. K for short. This is her first year teaching, but she did some of her student teaching at Penn last year. She seems very nice and Alexia is so excited.

Alexia got up nice and early today. She jumped right out of bed yelling that she was going to school today. I hope that this enthusiasm lasts a while and she continues to get up this easily.

As you can see she was a little silly by the end of the day. She came home and told daddy about her day for an hour, which included recess, reading, music and lunch. It was a great 1st day of school and if anyone feels like calling she will probably talk your ear off!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Grandpa and Grandpa and School

First and foremost- Jeanne we are so happy for you getting your Mission call. Dalas is a great city and the people there will love you! Alexia has been telling all her friends that her aunt Jeanne is going to be the "bestest missionary". The people of Dallas are so lucky!!!!!

Well Jared has gone home (and we probably miss hom more then he misses us) and now grandpa Anthony and grandma Shirley are here. Alexia is having tons of fun with them. They play games all day and she tells them wild stories about all of her summer adventures. She just loves having them here (I think it is because she has non-stop attention).

We get to meet her new teacher Thursday. She is very excited that she will be a 1st grader and not the baby of the school anymore. I am just glad that we will be back on schedule soon. I now know why so many parents don't like the summer. It is a great time to spend extra time with your kids, but it is so hard to stay on schedule and go to bed on time. I will be glad when bedtime is not a fight each night to "stay up just a few more minutes".

I have been bad at posting because I am trying to finish Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyers. I feel like a slacker because most of my sisters seem to be done already and raving about this book in the series. That right Jasmine, I heard that you told everyone that they should read the series just so that they can read this book. I totaly agree so far, but its making me wish I had time to read it faster. I, however, am not excited for the movie. Movies are never as good as the books and they ruin what I have imagined. I will probably wait to hear reviews before I see it.

Brian is also on the hunt for another job. He has applies several places and is waiting to hear back on what the offers may be. Two of the places he has applied is his old hotel in Scottsdale and Weber State in Ogden
(that's right family, the job is open again and
they called him, but don't get your hopes up
because I think he wants Scottsdale more).
I think he just wants to get the heck outta Iowa
(though I can't imagine why ->)
(Jere- that creepy picture is for you!) We will keep you all posted on the job hunt.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Long Time

OK. I know it has been like half the summer since I posted. What can I say, it's been a long summer. I did not anticipate being busy every time I had any time to spare. We have had several fun filled weekends. We have been to several movies. On the 19Th we went to the Children's Museum in the mall and I don't know who had more fum, Alexia or Jared. They put in a puppet show that had everyone laughing. One couple enjoyed it so much that when they left they told others to come in a watch because it was that good. They also liked to race cars, golf balls, and run around the dinosaur exhibit. .

Yesterday I took Alexia and her friend Ava to the rec center to swim. Alexi has been scared of the water slides since we moved in last year (not that they are that big) and yesterday she conquered her fear. Then went down the two slides for the next 4 hours. It was a blast and I think it was more fun with a friend then with boring old mom. I, of course, got a sunburn, again! On a sadder note, Wilbur the pig died. (He is the big fat one in all the pictures) Alexia was very sad by that and told everyone not to eat pig for a few days (I think she thought that Chris and Kathleen would use him for meat and she did not want anyone to eat him, but I assured her that the don't eat meat and the buried him)