Alexia's note for today:

Alexia says:

Whoo Hoo Cowboys in Texas! not the football cowboys, the real ones

Thursday, April 3, 2008

I Want My Voice Back

I have figured out what heaven might be like for Brian. I have not been able to talk for three days! O.K. it probably has not been that great since he has had to listen to me cough, throw up, and generally act miserable. I will admit that it has been nice to have him take care of me.

Alexia and I are excited because we get to go see grandma in the morning. I don't think that Brian is entirely comfortable with me driving by myself, but aside from having no voice still I feel fine. I will admit that it was a rough week. I missed two days of work with about 24 hours where I got out of bed maybe twice. I did manage to play the sympathy card with my coworkers and they only called a few times while I was home. Lucky me.

Well, we need to get to bed so we can drive to Omaha in the morning. Grandma has promised that we can just stay in the hotel room sick all weekend if we need to. She will do anything to see Alexia.

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