The Marriott has not evacuated yet, but they have a bout a 8 foot high sandbag wall around the main tower. It is the biggest concern to save right now. The employee parking lot is completely covered in water
and the had to close the parking tower because they are afraid it is not safe. I will try to find a picture that shows the front of the hotel where they have sandbagged. It is amazing to look at what the people in the community are doing to try to save certain areas, like the Marriott and the University. Brian is tired because he has done 2 days straight of over 12 hours of sandbagging. We are all sunburned since we finally had some sunshine today.

Brian and I are making plans on what we may do if we have to leave. I am not going to be able to work for a while because Dean has lost a lot in both offices. He called very upset today that he does not know how he will keep paying myself, Sarah, and Kathleen if he looses the Iowa City office. He has already lost the Cedar Rapids office. This area will certainly take a lot to get the economy back up after this. Brian and I have talked about leaving if Marriott offers that to people (although I don't know how we would sell our house in this area right now) so we may be begging to move in with family for a few months. We will make it work though. Keep praying for all the people who have lost so much in this area. We love all of you.
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