Alexia's note for today:

Alexia says:

Whoo Hoo Cowboys in Texas! not the football cowboys, the real ones

Sunday, December 28, 2008


Alexia had a fun Christmas. Thank you to everyone who gave her gifts. Here are some of the pictures:

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Seeing Santa

We decided to venture out to the mall yesterday to see Santa and I am sorry we did. Now don't jump to conclusions, it was not the crowd, it was not the parking lot, it was not the cold, snowy weather, nor was it the idea of waiting in a long line to see Santa that made me sorry. It was Santa himself. (Well the "helper Santa" at the mall) Take a look at our picture this year and you may see what I mean.

That's right folks, I think Santa is Under the Influence. Alexia was scared of Santa this year, which is a first for our outgoing, outspoken little angel. When she got off his lap and came over to tell me she was scared, I took her back over to Santa and he smelled that nauseating smell of alcohol. The young lady who was taking the photo was not having trouble getting kids to look at the camera, no it was Santa that she kept having to remind to look up at the camera. And did this "sweet" Santa ask the little kids what they wanted for Christmas, no he could barely form a sentence.

As we got our picture and left Santa Alexia was left wondering why was this a "messed up Santa". And why would the real Santa let him help.

So as a parent I am left to wonder, what do I tell my daughter about this "messed up Santa" as she referred to him yesterday? I reminded her what we tell her every year, this is just one of Santa's helpers because the real Santa is getting ready to bring presents. That only leaves Alexia to wonder why Santa would let a "messed up Santa" help. So as we quickly approach the last of the magical years before Alexia figures it all out, we are left to explain things that should not have to be explained to kids. Why are Santa's helpers grumpy people (because it was not just Santa that was unfriendly yesterday) who don't even ask you what you want?

And now I will get off my soapbox and wish you all a Merry Christmas. We hope the real Santa visits you this year.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Birthday Party

Rock and Roll! (If you can call Hannah Montana that) Food, Friends, and Fun. Alexia's birthday party was a fun time. Thank you to all her friends that came and family that helped. Grandpa Anthony and Grandma Shirley helped with the party and I can't thank them enough. Those kids would have eaten me alive if I had been by myself (Just Kidding). Here are the pictures:
And here is mommy by the end of the day:

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Today is the Last Day I Am 6!

Alexia woke up this morning and ran into our bedroom yelling "Today is the last that that I will ever have to be 6!" I find that to be the cutest comment ever.
Sorry that I have not posted for a while, but here is the quick updates:
Halloween was fun. Alexia was a skunk and we are still trying to get rid of candy.

Brian got the Leader of the Quarter Award at work in November.

Alexia got a Gold Medal for being kind at School.

Alexia gave a short (3 sentence) talk in the Primary Program and did a great job for her first time talking in front of that many people.

We put up our Christmas tree.

We have most of our Christmas shopping done. Just daddy is left and Alexia is trying to figure out what she wants to get him.

Grandpa and Grandpa Watson got here today. We are very excited to see them.
And we took this cute picture for Christmas...

We will let you know how the Big Hannah Montana Birthday Bash goes on Friday. We can't wait!