Alexia's note for today:

Alexia says:

Whoo Hoo Cowboys in Texas! not the football cowboys, the real ones

Monday, August 18, 2008

Back to School

Alexia started first grade today. Her teacher is Miss. Kelzenberg or Miss. K for short. This is her first year teaching, but she did some of her student teaching at Penn last year. She seems very nice and Alexia is so excited.

Alexia got up nice and early today. She jumped right out of bed yelling that she was going to school today. I hope that this enthusiasm lasts a while and she continues to get up this easily.

As you can see she was a little silly by the end of the day. She came home and told daddy about her day for an hour, which included recess, reading, music and lunch. It was a great 1st day of school and if anyone feels like calling she will probably talk your ear off!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Grandpa and Grandpa and School

First and foremost- Jeanne we are so happy for you getting your Mission call. Dalas is a great city and the people there will love you! Alexia has been telling all her friends that her aunt Jeanne is going to be the "bestest missionary". The people of Dallas are so lucky!!!!!

Well Jared has gone home (and we probably miss hom more then he misses us) and now grandpa Anthony and grandma Shirley are here. Alexia is having tons of fun with them. They play games all day and she tells them wild stories about all of her summer adventures. She just loves having them here (I think it is because she has non-stop attention).

We get to meet her new teacher Thursday. She is very excited that she will be a 1st grader and not the baby of the school anymore. I am just glad that we will be back on schedule soon. I now know why so many parents don't like the summer. It is a great time to spend extra time with your kids, but it is so hard to stay on schedule and go to bed on time. I will be glad when bedtime is not a fight each night to "stay up just a few more minutes".

I have been bad at posting because I am trying to finish Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyers. I feel like a slacker because most of my sisters seem to be done already and raving about this book in the series. That right Jasmine, I heard that you told everyone that they should read the series just so that they can read this book. I totaly agree so far, but its making me wish I had time to read it faster. I, however, am not excited for the movie. Movies are never as good as the books and they ruin what I have imagined. I will probably wait to hear reviews before I see it.

Brian is also on the hunt for another job. He has applies several places and is waiting to hear back on what the offers may be. Two of the places he has applied is his old hotel in Scottsdale and Weber State in Ogden
(that's right family, the job is open again and
they called him, but don't get your hopes up
because I think he wants Scottsdale more).
I think he just wants to get the heck outta Iowa
(though I can't imagine why ->)
(Jere- that creepy picture is for you!) We will keep you all posted on the job hunt.